Total weed control for gravel driveways and yards

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Using glyphosate based weed killers: 

Most people know about using Round Up and other glyphosate based products. 

Glyphosate based products are often referred to as " knock down"  weed killers as they kill existing weed growth only. New germinations of weeds seeds are not controlled which means that regular spraying is needed to keep areas free of weeds. It is not unusual to have to repeat spraying up to 5 times per year to maintain areas where bare ground is desired. Strategic use of soil active herbicides can significantly reduce the frequency of spraying and the amount of glyphosate used in a season.

Long lasting bare ground weed control

In areas where you wish to maintain bare ground such as gravel areas and yards, fence lines, driveways there is a better alternative. You can use a long lasting soil active product to control weeds for up to nine months after spraying. Weed Force has developed Weed Stop herbicide to address this need. 

Weed Stop is applied to bare moist ground and remains active acting on newly germination weeds for up to nine months after application.

Weed Stop works best is applied to bare, moist soil. Weed Stop is not particularly effective at controlling established weeds so If weeds are present, a glyphosate based knock down herbicide such as Evict Bio 360 should be tank mixed with Weed Stop and applied together. 

Click on the Control tab below to learn more.

CONTROL products to control weeds

The following options should only be used where maintaining long term bare ground weed control is required:-

If weeds are present use:

1: Evict Bio 360 and Weed Stop herbicide combination 

    This treatment will control both existing and new weed growth. Evict Bio 360 controls existing weeds and Weed Stop prevents and         future germinations of new weed seeds for up to 9 months. These products are available in the convenient Weed Stop Combo pack.

If NO weeds are present use :

2. Weed Stop herbicide alone

       Weed Stop can be applied alone directly to bare moist soil where it forms a protective barrier to and acts on seeds as they germinate.
       Weed Stop will provide the longest weed control when applied to bare, moist soil. If any weeds are present on the site please refer to        treatment 1 listed above. 

      The above treatments work well for most general weed situations.

 In some cases some tough broad leaf weeds like fleabanes and thistles can emerge in treated areas. For more information refer to the Commercial & Industrial Areas page on this website.

PREVENT How to prevent weeds from coming back

 Maintaining bare ground:

The best way to maintain bare ground is to initially control weeds and then prevent them from re-establishing. 
This can be achieved by the treatments outlined in the Control tab above.

Weed escapes:

Although Weed Stop and Xtract together control a wide range of weeds, no herbicides control all weeds.
Once these treatments have been applied, keep an eye on the area and once weeds start to come back, some spot spraying may be required to deal with the odd escape or weeds tolerant on the various herbicides. Evict Bio 360 or other glyphosate based weed killer is the generally best standby product to mop up any weed escapes.


As seasonal conditions vary and weeds vary in sensitivity to herbicides, monitor the area and when weeds start to reappear consider re-appling Weed Stop as a maintenance treatment. As mentioned previously, It is far better to maintain bare ground than to allow weeds to re-establish and then try to reclaim the area.

SPRAY tips and hints

Always refer to the product label to determine the suitability of the product for your intended purpose.

Accuracy is the key to the safe and effective use of weed killers. 

Calibrate your sprayer to know how much water it will apply to a given area. In this way you can accurately determine the appropriate rate of weed killer required to be mixed in the sprayer tank.

You can learn more about this topic in the Weed Force Library.

CAUTION to be aware of

Where is it not a good idea to use soil active or residual herbicides?

It is wise not to use residual in the vicinity of desirable vegetation as uptake by roots can cause damage. Also, residual herbicides must be used with caution when applying to compacted surfaces or drains/drainage areas wherever there is a possibility that the herbicides can be washed with water movement to areas where they could cause harm to desirable vegetation. Always read the label and follow the instructions.


Recommended Products

From $95 Weed Stop Combo
Long-lasting bare ground weed control

For Use In:

  • Weed Stop Combo is a professional weed killer combination. Evict Bio 360 provides control of existing weeds. Weed Stop is a long lasting weed killer and forms a protective barrier in the soil which prevents most new weeds from emerging for up to 9 months after application. Use  this product where total weed control is required and maintaining bare ground weed control is desirable.

    Suitable for where long lasting weed control is required eg
    • Driveways
    • Gravel areas
    • Fence lines
    • Paths
    • Industrial storage yards

Target Weeds:

  • Knock down and long term control of many grass and broadleaf weeds. Refer to label for full details.

Useful Tank Mixes:

Add Sidekick to improve penetration and reduce spray drift
Recommended or Essential Wetting Agent
More Info > Buy Now >
From $39 Evict Bio 360 herbicide
General purpose - Frog Friendly - non residual weed killer

For Use In:

Evict Bio 360 is a broad spectrum herbicide which 
kills most broadleaf and grass weeds.
  • Non-residual which kills Weeds but is non-residual in the soil. 
  • Suitable for use anywhere in the garden & around aquatic environments

Target Weeds:

Controls most grasses, broadleaf, and woody weeds

Useful Tank Mixes:

Add Fang 240 for Marshmallow and Nettle control
Add Fang 240 for faster brownout
Add Sidekick to improve penetration and reduce spray drift
Add Weed Stop to stop new weeds for up to 9 months
Recommended or Essential Wetting Agent
More Info > Buy Now >
From $67 Weed Stop Herbicide
Add to glyphosate for long lasting bare ground weed control up to 9 months

For Use In:

  • Fence lines
  • Driveways
  • Paths
  • Gravel areas
  • Around Industrial and agricultural buildings
  • Commercial storage yards

Useful Tank Mixes:

Add Sidekick to improve penetration and reduce spray drift
Recommended or Essential Wetting Agent
More Info > Buy Now >